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Highway Bureau, MOTC
The Highway Bureau is committed to provincial highway engineering, highway transportation management and highway supervision, simplifying administration and facilitating the people. The business scope is divided into three categories: road engineering, road transportation and road supervision, providing convenient and safe services for the public.
Service Items
      Please contact local highway supervision authority for the information related to address of local driving schools.
        Taipei City Motor Vehicles Office: 02-27630155
        Kaohsiung City Motor Vehicles Office: 07-3613161
        Taipei Motor Vehicles Office: 02-26884366
        Hsinchu Motor Vehicles Office: 03-5892051
        Taichung Motor Vehicles Office: 04-26912011
        Chiayi Motor Vehicles Office: 05-3623939
        Kaohsiung Motor Vehicles Office: 07-7711101