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Highway Bureau, MOTC
The Highway Bureau is committed to provincial highway engineering, highway transportation management and highway supervision, simplifying administration and facilitating the people. The business scope is divided into three categories: road engineering, road transportation and road supervision, providing convenient and safe services for the public.
Service Items

Please read the scoring criteria carefully before taking the road test. Any questions should be raised before the test starting.

Passing :70 points

  1. Not wearing the safety belt as specified before starting will incur 16 points deduction.
  2. Not activating the turn signal as specified when making turns on the forked road will incur 8 points deduction.
Small Vehicle Driver’s Test: Track Test Scoring Standards
Test ItemPoints Deduction ItemsPoints Deduction Standards
Pre-drive checks and actions before starting to drive.1.Failing to examine vehicle’s surroundings, underside and tires for any foreign objects (or abnormalities) before getting in the vehicle.32
2.Failing to adjust seat, headrest or rear-view mirrors before  starting to drive. (Test taker should speak out each check and make checking motion.)4
3.Failing to fasten seat belt according to regulations.32
4.Failing to check instruments (temperature, fuel, brakes, battery, oil) before starting to drive. (Test taker should state each check and point to the relevant instrument.)4
5.In a manual transmission vehicle, failing to put in neutral gear or failing to step on the clutch when starting the engine; in an automatic transmission vehicle, failing to have gear in P position or to step on the brake when starting the engine.16
6.Failing to release the handbrake and test the brakes before starting to drive.16
7.Failing to use the indicator light according to regulations before starting to drive.32
8.Failing to turn head to check  rear-view mirrors and look out for any obstructions or passing vehicles or pedestrians in front or behind on left and right before starting to drive; failing to yield right of way to advancing vehicles and pedestrians.32
Parking in reverse.1.Going over sensor line, or failing to stop within the designated space (to be completed in one try, and must go on to complete parking with front wheels inside the designated line).16
2.Stalling engine. (Multiple deductions apply.)8
Parallel parking at roadside.1.Touching sensor line with wheel or failing to stop within the designated space (to be completed in one try, and must go on to complete parking with front wheels inside the designated line).16
2.Stalling engine. (Multiple deductions apply.)8
Driving forward and backward on a curving road (S-bend).1.Touching sensor line with wheel when driving forward.32
2.Touching sensor line with wheel when reversing. (If accumulated deductions do not exceed 30 points, the test taker is allowed to have a second try, beginning again from the starting point.) But no deduction for this item applies to ordinary small vehicles.16
3.Going forward to make a correction while driving the S curve in reverse. (Note: no points deducted for touching the line while reversing. However multiple deductions apply for each correction; no need to begin again from the starting point after each correction.)8
4.Stalling engine or stopping vehicle midway. (Multiple deductions apply to stalling, while a limit of two deductions applies to stopping.)8
Turning round in a curved alley (Excluded from test for ordinary small vehicles.)1.Touching sensor line with wheel. (Only one deduction applies, and reversing is limited to one time.)16
2.Stalling engine. (Multiple deductions apply.)8
Railway crossing (including MRT line).1.Not stopping to check for trains, or running through against warning (pushing through when warning bell is already sounding or warning light is already signaling).32
2.Stopping on a railway crossing, changing gear, or stalling engine while the vehicle is within the boundaries of the railway (the vehicle body is within the area of the rail sleepers).32
3.Stopping with front wheels past the stop line.32
4.Failing to reduce speed and proceed slowly on approach to railway crossing. (Driver should lift pressure on accelerator pedal and brake lightly to reduce speed; after seeing railway crossing sign or marking, should reduce speed to under 15 kph.)16
5.Before starting off, failing to turn head to look in rear-view mirrors and pay attention to whether there is any obstruction or any vehicle or pedestrian.32
Gear changing test.1.In a manual transmission vehicle, failing to change up to 3rd gear in proper sequence within 45 meters.16
2.Touching sensor line with wheel or stalling engine while driving.32
Ascending and descending slope.1.Touching sensor line with wheel.16
2.Rolling back more than 15 cm on a slope. (Multiple deductions apply.)16
3.Stalling engine on a slope. (Multiple deductions apply.)16
4.Failing to park within the designated area.16
5.Shifting into neutral gear or turning off the engine while going down a slope.32
Driving around the test circuit.1.Failing to look out for passing vehicles or pedestrians before opening door to get in or out of vehicle. (Should open door in two stages when getting out of vehicle.)32
2.Failing to use the indicator light as stipulated by regulations, or failing to turn head to check rear-view mirrors and look out for any obstructions or passing vehicles or pedestrians in front or behind on left and right, before starting off. (Applicable to test items 2 and 3.)32
3.Failing to use the indicator light as stipulated by regulations, or failing to check in rear-view mirrors and turn head to look out for any obstructions or vehicles or pedestrians, before changing lane or making a turn. (Applicable to test items 4 and 5.)32
4.Continuing to signal with indicator light after changing lane or making a turn. (Multiple deductions apply.)16
5.Failing to drive in compliance with regulations, so that wheel touches broken line (including yellow and white broken lines). (Multiple deductions apply.)16
6.Touching solid line with wheel (direction separation line, line indicating prohibition of lane change, or pavement edge line), or striking another vehicle or a safety island, or damaging a fixture while driving.32
7.Failing to lawfully follow road lines or failing to lawfully  change lanes.32
8.Failing to comply with road traffic regulations or with road traffic signs, road markings, or traffic signals.32
9.Speeding or driving dangerously (such as by using a hand-held mobile phone to make or receive a call while driving, and other actions that are prohibited by law and are likely to cause an accident).32
10.Using left foot to control the brake pedal (excepting disabled drivers in specially made vehicles). (Multiple deductions apply.)16
11.Shifting to reverse gear while moving forward. (Multiple deductions apply.)16
12.Holding the steering-wheel with one hand (apart from when changing gear). (Multiple deductions apply.)16
13.Stopping the vehicle or stalling the engine while driving (effected by the driver). (Multiple deductions apply.) (Does not include stalling the engine at the start or end of the test.)8
14.Failing to change gear in proper sequence. (Multiple deductions apply.)8
15.Not being able to complete the test, or missing out any single item.32
16.At the end of the test, after stopping the vehicle and before getting out, failing to turn off the engine or failing to firmly engage the handbrake (and for an automatic transmission vehicle, failing to put it into P gear).16
Other technical operations. (Multiple deductions may be made for one item, up to a maximum total of 18 points deducted for each.)1.Improperly moving from rest.2
2.Improperly controlling the accelerator.2
3.Improperly operating the clutch.2
4.Improperly operating the brakes (including hand brake).2
5.Continuing to turn the steering wheel after the wheels have already stopped turning.2
6.Improperly performing other operations (including such basic operations as use of the windshield wipers), but not so as to adversely affect other road users.2

Driver’s test point deductions and standards for track test: 100 points full score, 70 points passing mark.

Small Vehicle Driver’s Test: Road Test Scoring Standards
Test ItemPoints Deduction ItemsPoints Deduction Standards
Pre-drive checks, and actions before starting to drive.1.Failing to examine the vehicle’s surrounding, underside and tires for any foreign object (or abnormality) before getting in the vehicle.32
2.Failing to adjust seat, headrest or rear-view mirrors before starting to drive. (Test taker should speak out each check and make motion of checking.)4
3.Failing to fasten seat belt as stipulated by regulations.32
4.Failing to check instruments (temperature, fuel, brakes, battery and oil) before starting to drive. (Test taker should state each check and point to the relevant instrument.)4
5.In a manual transmission vehicle, failing to put in neutral gear or failing to step on the clutch pedal when starting the engine; in an automatic transmission vehicle, failing to have gear in P position or to step on the brake pedal when starting the engine.16
6.Failing to release the handbrake and test the brakes before starting to drive.16
7.Failing to use the turn signal as stipulated by regulations before starting to drive.32
8.Failing to turn head to check in rear-view mirrors and look out for any obstructions or passing vehicles or pedestrians in front or behind on left and right before starting to drive; failing to yield priority of passage to advancing vehicles and pedestrians.32
Intersection1.Running a red light.32
2.When stopping at a red light, the front of the vehicle is past the stop line or encroaching on the motorcycle waiting zone.32
3.Before starting off, failing to turn head to look in rear-view mirrors and pay attention to whether there is any obstruction or any vehicle or pedestrian.32
Zebra crossing.1.Not reducing speed and driving slowly or not stopping vehicle to allow pedestrian(s) to cross.32
2.Stopping with the front of the vehicle encroaching on the zebra crossing.32
3.Before starting off, failing to turn head to look in rear-view mirrors and pay attention to whether there is any obstruction or any vehicle or pedestrian.32
Temporary parking at roadside.1.Parking on a no temporary parking line (red line).32
2.Hitting a roadside curb or a vehicle.32
3.Before parking at or pulling out from the side of the road, failing to flash turn signal as stipulated by regulations or failing to turn head to look in rear-view mirrors and pay attention to whether there is any obstruction or any vehicle or pedestrian.32
4.When parking temporarily, the front and back tires on the right side of the vehicle are more than 60 cm from the outer side of the curb or the pavement edge.16
Lane driving, changing lane, turning at intersection, and turning round.1.Arbitrarily driving across two road lanes, hitting another vehicle or safety island, or damaging a fixture.32
2.Illegally overtaking, wrong-way driving, entering a forbidden zone, or crossing direction separation lines or lines indicating prohibition of lane change.32
3.Failing to get out of the way as stipulated by regulations upon hearing the siren of a duty-performing fire engine, ambulance, police car, or rescue vehicle.32
4.Before turning at an intersection or changing lane, failing to flash turn signal light as required by law, or failing to turn head to look into rear-view mirrors and pay attention to the traffic and pedestrian road condition.32
5.Touching solid line with wheel (direction separation line, line separating fast and slow lanes, line indicating prohibition of lane change, or pavement edge line) while driving.32
6.Continuing to flash turn signal light after changing lane or making a turn completed. (Multiple deductions apply.)16
7.Failing to comply with right-of-way rules while driving: That is, vehicles when turning should yield to directly moving vehicles; vehicles on branch roads should yield to vehicles on trunk roads, or vehicles on roads with fewer lanes should yield to vehicles on roads with more lanes; at an intersection, vehicles on the left should yield to those on the right; vehicles entering a roundabout should yield to vehicles within it; vehicles in a multi-lane roundabout should yield to vehicles on the inside lane; etc. (Multiple deductions apply.)16
8.Failing to follow road lines according to regulations or failing to drive in correct lane according to regulations.32
9.Not properly controlling speed of vehicle (failing to reduce speed, drive slowly, and be ready to stop at any time when driving on a winding road, ramp road, narrow road or narrow bridge, through a tunnel, by a school or hospital, on a section of road where there is road work or that is under water, at an unsignalized intersection, in a place congested with vehicles or people, and on other road sections where speed should be reduced. (Multiple deductions apply.)8
Compliance with traffic regulations.1.Speeding or driving dangerously (such as by using a hand-held mobile phone to make or receive a call while driving, and other actions prohibited by law that are likely to cause an accident), or turning off the engine or shifting into neutral gear to coast along when going down a slope.32
2.Violating a regulation, resulting in an accident.32
3.Failing to yield to a pedestrian.32
4.Failing to drive in compliance with road traffic regulations or with road traffic signs, road markings, or traffic signals.32
Driving over the whole course of the test.1.Failing to look out for passing vehicles or pedestrians before opening door to get in or out of the vehicle. (Should open door in two stages when getting out of the vehicle.)32
2.Failing to signal with the turn signal in accordance with regulations, or failing to turn head to check in rear-view mirrors and look out for any obstructions or passing vehicles or pedestrians in front or behind on left and right, before starting off.32
3.Stopping the vehicle or turning off the engine while driving (effected by the driver). (Multiple deductions apply.)16
4.Using left foot to control the brake pedal (excepting disabled drivers in specially made vehicles). (Multiple deductions apply.)16
5.Shifting to reverse gear while moving forward. (Multiple deductions apply.)16
6.Holding the steering-wheel with one hand (apart from when changing gear). (Multiple deductions apply.)16
7.Failing to change gear in proper sequence. (Multiple deductions apply.)8
8.Not driving in accordance with the examiner’s instructions, causing the examiner to take over braking or steering in order to avoid danger.32
9.At the end of the test, after stopping the vehicle and before getting out, failing to turn off the engine or failing to engage the handbrake (and for an automatic transmission vehicle, failing to put it into P gear).16
10.Not being able to complete the test, or missing out any single item.32
Other technical operations. (Multiple deductions may be made for one item, up to a maximum total of 18 points deducted for each.)1.Improperly moving from rest.2
2.Improperly controlling the accelerator.2
3.Improperly operating the clutch.2
4.Improperly operating the brakes (including the hand brake).2
5.Continuing to turn the steering wheel after the wheels have already stopped turning.2
6.Improperly performing other operations (including such basic operations as use of the windscreen wipers), but not so as to adversely affect other road users.2


Driver’s test points deduction items and standards for road test: 100 points full score, 70 points pass mark.